Day Skipper Practical Program
Your experienced and patient instructor will teach you these skills and you will put them into practice as you skipper the yacht on short passages along the Turkish coastline. There is particular emphasis on boat handling for Day Skippers and during the 5/6 day course you will practice mooring under various conditions. Students live aboard for the duration of the course and visit many different harbours and anchorages to practice pilotage techniques which, like boat handling, is an essential skill for the aspiring skipper. You will complete at least 4 night hours sailing to experience night pilotage and identify lights.
At the end of the RYA Day Skipper course you will be confident to skipper a cruising yacht on short passages by day. Students who successfully complete the Day Skipper course are awarded the RYA Day Skipper practical course completion certificate and can charter from the school.
This course will also enable you to apply for the ICC (International Certificate of Competence). This qualification is required by most European countries to validate your competence to own or charter a boat. The ICC, obtained by presenting your RYA Day Skipper certificate with the completed ICC application form (available from the centre) to the RYA, will cover you for sailing yachts up to 24 metres in length in coastal waters. If you are looking for a commercial endorsement you will also need to complete the PPR course.
Previous Experience Recommended: 5 days aboard, 100 miles logged and 4 night hours. Basic sailing ability and a knowledge of navigation to the level of the RYA Day Skipper Theory.
Course Duration: Courses start Sunday morning, boarding from Saturday afternoon after 16:00 returning to the marina around midday on Thursday. Students are welcome to stay onboard Thursday night if that helps with travel arrangements.
Day Skipper Practical Syllabus
The Day Skipper course teaches pilotage, navigation, seamanship and boat handling up to the required standard to skipper a small cruising yacht safely by day in tidal waters with which the student is familiar.
Preparation for sea
- Is able to prepare a yacht for sea, including engine checks, selection of sails, securing and stowage of all gear on deck and below
Deck Work
- Can reef, shake out reefs and change sails to suit prevailing conditions
- Can prepare an anchor, mooring warps and take charge on deck when mooring alongside, coming to a buoy, anchoring, weighing anchor and slipping from a buoy or alongside berth.
- Is proficient in chartwork and routine navigational duties on passage including:
- Taking and plotting visual fixes
- Use of electronic navigation equipment for position fixing
- Use of waypoints
- Working up to Dead Reckoning and Estimated Position
- Estimating tidal heights and tidal streams
- Working out course to steer to allow for tidal stream, leeway and drift
- Knowledge of IALA buoyage
- Maintenance of navigational records
- Use of echo sounder and lead line
- Can prepare and execute a pilotage plan for entry into, or departure from, a harbour
- Understands the use of leading and clearing lines
- Use of transits and surroundings as aids to pilotage
- Knows sources of forecast information
- Can interpret shipping forecasts and use a barometer as a forecasting aid
Rule of the road
- Has a working knowledge of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Maintenance and repair work
- Understands and is able to carry out maintenance tasks
- Knows the properties and uses of common synthetic fibre ropes
- Knows how to change fuel and water filters, pump impeller and to bleed the fuel system
- Understands how to victual a yacht
Emergency situations
- Is able to take correct action as skipper for recovery of man overboard
- Understands distress flares and how to use a liferaft
- Can operate a radiotelephone in an emergency and send a distress message
- Understands how to secure a tow
- Understands rescue procedures including helicopter rescue
Yacht handling under power
- Can bring a boat safely to and from an alongside berth, mooring buoy and anchor under various conditions of wind and tide
- Can steer and trim sails effectively on all points of sailing
Passage making
- Can plan and make a coastal passage, taking account of relevant navigational hazards and limitations imposed by the type of boat and the strength of the crew
Night cruising
- Has experienced sail cruising at night, including leaving and entering harbour.
- Understands the special consideration for pilotage plans, keeping a lookout and identifying marks by night.
- Working efficiency is unaffected/partially affected/severely affected by seasickness
Helmsmanship and sailing
- Understands the basic principles of sailing and can steer and trim sails on all points of sailing
- Can steer a compass course, under sail and power
General duties
- Has carried out general duties satisfactorily on deck and below decks in connection with the daily routine of the vessel
What’s Included:
Bedding, Towels, Safety Equipment, Tuition, Logbook, Certification.
Not Included:
Transit Log (compulsory) £100 per boat shared between students, food & drink, fuel, travel to/from venue, Turkish visa, Instructors food and drink (to be provided at students expense)